I usually don't have anything bad to say about my sex life with PC. So this is a first for me but as I said last night, "I am soooo going to blog about this tomorrow." And being true to my word, I am doing so.
Last night, PC yawned during sex!! I mean during sex. Not that I am bragging or anything but this has NEVER happened to me in 40 years of living. (The first 16 of those don't count however.)
Needless to say, I immediately asked if he was bored. And.....this was immediately answered with a resounding NO. So I did what any woman would do. Tell him to get the heck off me. And.....this was immediately answered with a resounding NO.
So....what's a woman to do? That's right, finish the job and blog about it in the morning. However, after doing a bit of research I found the following news article on the subject: (Yes - I researched it.)
A Canadian poll found that only 12 percent of Canadians think yawning during sex is embarrassing compared with 30 percent who thought yawning while exchanging your marriage vows was the worst. They also found that yawning during marriage vows leads to yawning during sex, yawning during arguments and yawning during divorce proceedings.
I am not sure if I am more surprised at the fact that a poll was actually taken concerning the subject or the results of the poll. I don't know about Canadians, but this red-blooded American thinks that it's embarrassing to yawn during sex. For both the the yawner and the boring person laying beneath them. The rest of the poll speaks for itself.
Then I found another news article that told me that I needed to perform an erotic dance before bed to avoid another yawning incident. That's not going to happen!! My stripper days are over.
As I head down the isle in three weeks, I am left to wonder "Is he going to yawn during the marriage vows too?" This whole yawning thing obviously has a domino effect, as referenced in the article. Should I buy more coffee? Should I perhaps install a stripper pole in the bedroom? I've heard they are good exercise. No, that would not go with my decor.
I am open for suggestions people!!
It wasn't a yawn!! I was stretching my jaw! A yawn is a wide open mouth with a sigh-like sound. I was sticking my bottom jaw straight forward as far as I could to stretch the bite joint.
I noticed you left out what my jaw had been doing for the previous 15 minutes or so!!!
My name is Joe, and I approve this message. :)
You can put any spin you want on it, but it's just lipstick on a pig.
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