Ever since Saturday morning when I attempted to lift an iron table to move it, I have had extreme low back pain which has been radiating down my leg. I hate going to the doctor, so I have been taking some good drugs to combat the pain. I was hoping the problem would go away but it did not and I finally went to the chiropractor this morning to get it treated. I am glad I went because I feel a bit better but still very sore and stiff. So I took another pain pill and am trying to get through my day and focus on my files. Not so easy when your head is in the clouds and you're all loopy. The things that popped into my head and have come out of my mouth made perfectly good sense to me, but I am the one taking drugs here. The people around me might not understand my ramblings. I laid in bed last night talking with PC and as I look back on the moments I remember, I did not make one bit of sense. However, it all made sense to me. I am pretty sure that I referred to my ex as a scratching rooster. I could just picture his face on a rooster's body, popping out his head like a rooster and such. I could not stop laughing. Shortly after that, I fell asleep.
A moment ago I was looking online for a wedding gift for PC and I came across this book about Sarah Palin, which I am confident that he would have loved for a wedding gift. But alas, he sent me another one with Chuck Norris on it. This in turn, made me think of Hong Kong Phooney. (#1 Superstar!!) I sat at my desk laughing and immediately started searching for a good picture to remind me of what he looked like. Now I didn't put PC's head on Hong Kong Phooey or anything. That would be wrong. His head would fit better on perhaps Skeletor or He-Man from Masters of the Universe. But we all know that He-Man was totally gay. Not that PC is gay or anything but those cartoon charactors are the ones that popped into my head if I were to put his head on something.
So this brings me to my question. Am I more fun loopy or not? Do I make more sense on medication than not? Even though my thoughts are off the wall........are they really that off? Odd perhaps and slurred perhaps but are they really off the proverbial mark? To me, I make perfect sense.
I'll tell you one thing. These people who take drugs surely ain't gettin any in the bedroom, because I haven't wanted any. I'm not sure whether that has more to do with the back pain or the fact that I am tired and loopy all the time. If I tried to do it, I would probably fall asleep. (not because of you PC, cuz you Rock!)
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