Monday, August 25, 2008

The Princess Rides Again

I thought I would bring you all up to speed on the Princess and her petty games. This weekend the Princess had the kids and Saturday was soccer practice. My daughter is on PC's team along with his daughter. PC drove to his house to get his daughter along with mine to head out to soccer practice.

Now keep in mind, this is my ex's weekend with my daughter but he came over to my house to help fix my riding mower and to mow the grass for us. He spent allot of time finding out how to "rig" the mower and then proceeded to cut the grass (which was knee high) twice. This was very much appreciated by PC and I.

I wish I could say that the Princess was as accommodating and frankly, nice. But alas....wishes don't always come true. I digress.

So PC and my daughter get to his house and shortly thereafter, so does the Princess with her mother in tow to drop DQ off. So the Princess tells PC that she will not be taking the cat when we move because he doesn't do her any favors and has refused to help her the last three times she has needed his help. I think I blogged about the last two times. God, there are so many more I could blog about but my fingers would hurt and I would again become increasingly angry at the way she treats PC.

She had agreed to take DQ's long haired cat and we were going to keep the short haired cat and take him with us to the new house. My son has really bad allergies and his face puffs up and the whole nine yards around cats. We were going to keep the lesser of two evils, so to speak. That way, his daughter would be able to keep her cat, just at her mom's house.

All was fine and dandy until "the dresser". (evil music playing in the background) I have been blogging about this damn dresser for a while now. She tells him that because he will not give her the dresser, she will not take the cat. Her daughter's cat. Then she tells him that she doesn't want the dresser either and does not care about either.

Folks, this is not about a dresser or a cat. This is about power and control. Plain and simple. She does not like being told NO when she wants something. When she wants something, she expects PC to jump and get right to it. Well, as I said there is a new sheriff in town and it simply is not going to happen anymore. She does not like it and wants to play games.

The sad part is that she plays these petty games by using and hurting others, more importantly her own daughter. She put the blame on PC and told DQ that it was his fault she was not going to keep her cat. Knowing full well she agreed to take that hair shedding, puking, basket eating, unsociable cat. One thing should not have anything to do with the other, but when you are the Princess it all ties in together. PC then told his daughter the real story and why mommy doesn't want to take her cat. He could not let his daughter think badly of him when he has been trying to fight a battle of wits with an unarmed person.

So after soccer practice, he dropped DQ off back at her mom's house and apparently DQ confronted her mother with everything. Ring, ring, ring, PC's phone immediately rings. Why did you tell DQ all those things that she was not privy to and should not have known? Umm, because you made me out to be the guy who let her cat go to the pound. She was not a happy camper because she did not expect someone else to know about how she rolls and works.

Her last words were that she does not care about the cat or the dresser. So here is PC with a dilemma. One, he is not and can not take the cat on Thursday when we move. Time is ticking away and she knows it. I could care less about the dresser, it is the principle of it all. I told him to not engage at all with her. She knows she wants the dresser and she knows she does not want to be blamed for the cat going to the pound. She will call.

And.............last night he went over there to drop some schools supplies off and did not go to the door. She sent out one of the kids to get the stuff from him. Then she asked if they could talk later in the week. (As I said she would) He says ok and leaves.

Perhaps between now and then, she will get her head out of her ass and think about her daughter other than herself.

But I'm not holding my breath.

Friday, August 22, 2008

Why I Watch Sports

Why I watch sports.

Spefically, hockey.

Spefically, the Hurricanes.

Specifially, Cam Ward.

Specifically, Brookbank.

Spefically, Bayda.

Specifically, Eaves.

Specifically, their cute, tight, young little bodies skating around the ice, breathing heavy, sweating and knocking the hell out of people.

And apparently, I am not the only one. Check out:

Thursday, August 21, 2008

Who really cares....They are both rich!!!

Come on, all day long I have read story after story about who is rich and who is not rich, as it relates to Nobama and McCain. Hell, they are both flippin rich. Who gives a rat's ass in the grand scheme of things? They both make more money than any of us combined. So has every other presidential candidate. Let's see, is Hillary rich? Why, yes she is. Is horse-faced Kerry (well maybe his wife is) rich? Why, yes he is. Was ole Ronnie rich? Why, yes. And what about all other ones? Yes, yes, they are all rich and wealthy. Who the hell cares?

So McCain doesn't remember how many condos he has. I don't remember either. Who has the time for all that? I'm lucky if I remember which child is which these days and I am not running for president of the free world.

Can't we focus on the real issues? The real issues being why I have to pay $2.29 for a dozen eggs when I only paid 89cents last year. Or more important than that, why did McCain's "gobble-gobble" neck disappear? No one mentions that he had plastic surgery. Isn't that news worthy and comment worthy? Doesn't that make him not only rich, but shallow too?

More Maryland Pictures

There were so many good pictures from our trip to Maryland, I felt compelled to share some more. Your right Allison, we are all such good looking people.
Yesterday PC and I took TMO to her open house at the middle school. She will be changing schools when we move and is afraid because she won't know anyone but IAB. We walked her around the school and met all of her teachers and they seemed really nice. The school was laid out well and I think she will get the hang of it. She is excited about having a locker too. I'm sure the novelty will wear off, once she gets tired of running back and forth to her locker between classes every day. Apparently, you can't bring your backpacks in the classroom and they need to be left in the lockers.
I go tomorrow to my son's high school to get all his classes chosen and walk him around his new school. My kids will be changing schools and PC's kids will be in their same schools. So it might take awhile for mine to adjust to being the new kids once again. We just moved to NC in 2005 and they were the new kids back then as well. I told PC that this is the last time I am going to move in a long time. I hate moving and packing and stuff. I want to stay in our new house for a good long while and look forward to it actually. Once the neighborhood is finished being built and all the trees grow in and foliage fills in around the neighborhood, it will really be nice.
Another good thing about our new house is the fact that there will be a city park across the street from our subdivision. That will be really great for exercise and activities for the kids as well.

Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Maryland Pictures

Here are some pictures from our trip to Maryland. I didn't want to go overboard on posting too many pictures, as I have alot of good ones from our trip. We went to the new house this morning for our walk through and I was reminded that we are moving next week!!! OMG I'm so far behind in the packing department. I hope I get it all done in time. This is the curse of accumulating allot of "stuff" over the last 40 years.
I picked up my wedding dress on the way home from work yesterday and it fits like a glove. I was so happy and excited. I just need to get the undergarments and I am all set. (And no, I'm not getting fishnets PC) I take the girls to get their dresses hemmed on Sept. 6th.

Monday, August 18, 2008

Am I wrong here?

Gosh I feel like I am constantly complaining here but I have come to realize that PC and I have been handed a life sentence of having to deal with our unreasonable and unbelievable ex spouses. I called my ex T to thank him for watching my house and my dog while we were gone to Maryland and I casually ask him if he had anyone over to my house. And he tells me yes, that he had the girl he is dating and her niece over to my house yesterday. Apparently they all met for breakfast nearby and then he invited them over to my house (my house mind you!!!) to see my dog and the cabinets in the kitchen and the granite and the flooring that he had installed. Blah, blah, blah....... I was not very happy about that one bit.
Now I don't know this woman or her niece and she is a stranger and for him to invite her into my home is weird and just not right. Am I wrong here in being mad? He thinks I am. He thinks I have no trust in him and his judgement and I am over reacting and blowing it all out of proportion. Am I folks? After I blogged about the Princess this morning and found all this out, I thought to myself that they really ought to meet each other. But then again, they would probably kill each other. But then again..............hmmmmmmmmmm.........I digress.
After I try to use logic on him and told him to reverse the situation, he tells me that he would have no problem if I brought PC over to his house and he met me there, etc. I was like you are a big fat liar. He did not even want to meet PC or have him even at my house until he was ready to do so and I respected that because he was not ready to even meet him. PC would not even want to go with me to T's house anyways, as it would be too awkward for him and a little weird. Why would she even want to go to my house (our house) to see what we had together? Seriously.
Am I being unreasonable here? Over reacting? In a nutshell, am I crazy? It is my house with my things and I trusted him and he agreed. That did not mean him and the person he is dating. I don't have anything against her, but I think it is a little weird for him to have asked and more weird for her to accept.

Maryland.......Not Just for Crabs Anymore

I was nervous about meeting PC's family but it was all for not, as they were very nice and extremely accommodating. (And no I am not just saying that either to be nice.) I know some of them read my blog but I say it like it is and don't hold back on anything. So here it goes.

The drive was really nice and the traffic coming into the area was not bad at all. The pretty lights of DC were cool and we could see the Washington Monument as we drove in. M's house was located in this established area with huge trees and lots of flowers and it just looked like a peaceful place to live and raise a family. Her home was warm and inviting and her and her husband J were very sweet. I don't think we could have been fed anymore food than we had at her house. There was always an offer to make us something, get us something and I really hope my dress zips after this weekend. I tried to offer to help with food, clean up, etc. but was always turned down. She is definitely the hostess with the mostess. Thank you so much for the hospitality.

The kids loved the pool and they also have a basement with a pool table and there was plenty for them to do. We got in late Friday night or shall I say early Saturday morning. I felt bad that we might be keeping her up, but she sat at the table chit chatting with us for awhile.

Saturday M & J had a boat load of people over to the house for a BBQ. And the chicken was not the only thing being grilled. After answering all the standard questions about how we met, how he proposed and alike, I had to start the process of remembering all their names and matching them all up with the smiling faces surrounding me. I think I did a pretty good job.

After drinking a couple glasses of wine (liquid courage), I sat back and listened to them all tell their various stories. Unfortunately, the stories were all being told at the exact same time. And believe it or not, they all understood each other and could follow along quite well. It sounded to me like a steady buzz of bees and I tried my best to just pick one conversation going on and try to interject when I saw an opening. Kinda like getting into a double dutch game, you gotta watch and wait for an opening and just jump in and hope not to fall on your ass.

One of my most favorite moments of the day is when I looked over and say my son sitting on the stairs with "S" and he was taking the time to explain the inner workings of something TS had drawn. Now most of you think this is just a given, nice people do these things. But my son TS has Asperger's Syndrome and allot of people (actually most) just don't take the time to talk to him or try to get to know him. At least that was always the case with my ex's family and allot of people frankly. It was refreshing to watch them take the time to talk to my son and he was really loving the attention and it was very much appreciated by me.

PC's sister was very sweet and her daughter (who is 4 1/2 going on 20) was the most inquisitive child I have every met. You can carry on a real conversation with her and sit back in amazement at her sense of self and sense of humor. What a treat she is. I just wanted to wrap her up and take her home with me. And...she bought me a ring that said "love" on it and gave me it the moment she saw me. She showered me with all these compliments and each time I walked away I had a smile on my face.

Everyone treated us wonderfully and we enjoyed each and every one of them. They rock and I can't wait to see them all again in October at the wedding.

Saturday night PC and I took his sister and just the girls to Inner Harbor in Maryland and did this boardwalk type thing. There was a battle ship and a submarine and stores and street entertainers and we had fun. I bought an ornament for my collection and we went to the Hard Rock to grab a bite to eat and a drink.

The next morning we woke up early and went on D & S's boat or should I say ship. His sister and her daughter met us out there too. It was just awesome. What a beautiful boat it was. It had a mac daddy kitchen and bathroom and was really nice. She even had matching towels with little boats on them. All the comforts of a very nice home. The weather could not have been any nicer and the kids had a great time and I had a great time too. M came along too and we all got the chance to chit chat and had lunch on the boat as well behind Pat Sajack's house. We were the "HAVES" for the day and it was nice not being a "HAVE NOT". We took lots of pictures and I will post a few as soon as I get them. Thanks to D&S for their wonderful hospitality. It was very much appreciated.

The drive home was long and we hit traffic a bit but made decent time and aside from IAB's extremely stinky feet ( And I mean really bad) we had no incident.

Princess Diaries Continued

Let me start off by saying that I didn't really want to start off my Monday with an entry in the Princess Diaries but I told myself that I would not deprive my readers nor myself without having set the strange for our wonderful weekend in Maryland.

I got off early Friday from work so I could get home, get packed, load up the Beast, get to the soccer field to watch the girls in the "world cup" soccer game, get back to PC's house to get the girls showered and then get on the road. We had a 5 plus hour drive to Maryland to visit PC's family. So here we are and I am upstairs packing and PC is loading up the Beast and I head downstairs to put in the truck and I see him pacing in the driveway on his cell phone. He's not a happy camper I say to myself. Is it work, I wonder? Have the computers at work crashed? Nope. I watch him for a minute as he continues to pace in my driveway with a very unhappy and frustrated look on his face. He hangs up and the poor man just looks drained.

Apparently the Princess was at the DMV attempting to get the title work done on the truck that should have been done months ago. So because she waited, the current mileage on the truck did not match the mileage on the truck when PC signed the title over to her and they would not do the title work for her. Now had she done the title work when he signed the title over to her and not sat on her ass and waited forever and day to do it, she would not have had a problem. But alas....this was not the case.

So here we are loading up and about to leave to make it to the soccer field to watch the girls (one of which is her daughter) play by 3pm and then get on the road and she is demanding that PC leave to go into town (about 30 minutes away) to the DMV office to sign the back of the title again in front of a notary. Now come on people!!! So PC tells her that we are packing up to leave, yadda, yadda, yadda..........all of which she already knew. So she lays into him and gives him crap about how he never does anything fort her and it is like pulling teeth, blah, blah, blah.......she took the entire day off work to get this done, blah, blah, blah.......

And then because she was losing that battle and he was not going to jump when she snapped her stubby little fingers, she throws in the coveted dresser!!! And.......PC gave in and said take the damn dresser. She wore him down and got her flippin way on the dresser. I mean, she had to win something right? Conversation over. She got her way and he caves on the dresser. Once again, she has got some damn nerve. And here is poor PC getting his butt whipped by her and taking it all in the name of "I want to make everyone happy." I'm sorry but her urgency is not his concern, nor is it mine.

So we get in the car and head off to the field to watch the girls play with my son. I am sitting there and I have this feeling that because he did not do what she wanted that she would purposely be late getting IAB back to the house so we could leave on time. So I figured I would make a bet on it. I'm a bettin woman after all. So I bet him a tank of gas for the Beast that the Princess would be late getting IAB to the house because she was mad at him.

That's right folks, I won that bet. I should have bet more than just the gas I guess, but I didn't want to be too greedy. She was about a half an hour late getting IAB to the house. Not to worry, we got on the road and headed off to Maryland.

Friday, August 15, 2008

Heading Off to Meet the Folks

It's Friday and I'm leaving work early to get home and all packed up for our trip to Maryland for the weekend. We get to drive The Beast on a road trip further than just the beach this time. He'll be happy about that. We are taking all four kids and I get to meet more of PC's family. I am looking forward to it, although I have to admit I'm a bit nervous. I hope they like me and my kids. Nothing a couple Valium won't cure, right? Kidding.

The girls are at their last day of soccer camp today and we will pick them up after their last game, get them showered (they really really stink) and get on the road. I have never been to Maryland either and that is another reason I am looking forward to the weekend. I love going to places I've never been and checking out the scene and surroundings. I am told we are going boating and downtown as well. It should be fun and hopefully I will be able to post some decent pictures on Monday. I won't hold my breath for good ones of me. I hate having my picture taken. I either have one eye half shut or I look like I have a double chin or something. I rarely am pleased with pictures of myself. The kids always look good when the pictures come back though and PC is handsome and always looks good too.

Wednesday, August 13, 2008

What I learned at my office birthday party.

I just came from our office birthday party. We have them every quarter and I am on this quarter's committee. I didn't volunteer for this duty but was recruited by the powers that be. The theme this time was the Olympics and I had my kids make the torch and the rings out of poster board and I bought 30' of flags to string around the room. I also made my famous spinach dip and sourdough bread. Yummy. People tell me it's good so I make it all the time. Kinda my signature dish, amoung other things.

I have a few friends that I socialize with here at work and we chit chat all the time and other than than, I pretty much stay to myself. I have little time to goof around. So it was nice to sit back and do nothing for a couple hours and take it all in. I sat back and observed people, listened in on their conversation and basically "sponged" the whole time.

Here is what I have learned after two hours of sponging.

M might possibly be gay and says he has a girlfriend but really he is lying.

M thinks J's ass is tight and A's is as well.

A is a trainer on the side and teaches yoga or some sort of stretching stuff.

L wants A to teach us all stretching exercises in the second floor room. (I agree on this one)

R wears a hearing aide but refuses to turn it on so he can hear anyone.

H doesn't brush his teeth and has stinky breath.

J is a loud mouth and bossed everyone around and had to have the food on the table in order of ethnic category.

JE thinks A has a nice ass too and wants him to train her.

Cupcake ice cream is good.

Strawberries and pretzels go well together.

M got his house broken into over a month ago and has not locked his door since because he doesn't know what "mitigate your damage" means and has not fixed the door lock.

The head of my company doesn't like anything but chocolate.

The AA ladies in our office only talk in Ebonics when they are around each other and no other times during the day. Weird.

C took a chocolate birthday metal when it was not her birthday and disappeared with it.

All men can't fix things just because they are men.

Anyone in need of a slightly used torch and olympic rings?

Latest Installment of the Princess Diaries

This dresser that the Princess wants to trade us must be pretty ugly because she has continued in her quest to swap it out for the one in DQ's room. She recently called PC and in her half ass effort to be funny, she told him that if he'll trade the dresser, then she'll take the other cat at the same time. If not, she'll take no cat.

PC says she was trying to be funny, but I know from experience that 50% of what she said is probably true. No it's not because I profess to know the Princess or anything. It's just that I have deduced over the course of living 40 years that half of what people say is usually how they feel. Even if they are joking and make comments, some or part of what they say is really how they feel and are just too afraid to come right out and say it to your face.

Now for all of you that know me, I hate cats. Hence, my email address. I will tolerate them for the right person and certainly PC is that right person. However, he has TWO cats. Lord help me, but there is only enough "right person" magic for one cat as far as I am concerned. Plus this second cat pukes all over the place and is quite hairy and sheds all over everything. Yuck!! Yuck!! Yuck!!

So a few months ago, PC and the Princess worked out a deal where she would take the pukey cat (although she does not know said cat pukes) and we would keep the cool cat or the one less likely to reek havoc on my home and belongings.

So now, in her effort to garner what is now the coveted (but cheap) dresser, she is implying she will not take the second cat if he does not trade her the dresser.

But wait..........she said he "promised" she could have the dresser a year ago. Which of course means that she mentioned it to PC (a man) in passing and never made mention of it again and a year later says he promised her the dresser.

With that rationale, she "promised" to take the pukey cat a couple months ago. Doesn't our more recent "promise" supersede hers from over a year ago?

What to do.....what to do......I say put the cat in one of the dresser drawers a few days early and have her come and get it. But wait, that would not work because she would then call him and ask about the key to get in. And if she couldn't get in, she'd then ask him if he could get the dresser and deliver it to her house. You all think I am being facetious, but am I?

So it comes down to the dresser or the cat.

Monday, August 11, 2008

Spelling is Overrated.

Aoccdrnig to a rscheearch at Cmabrigde Uinervtisy, it deosn’t mttaer in waht oredr the ltteers in a wrod are, the olny iprmoetnt tihng is taht the frist and lsat ltteer be at the rghit pclae. The rset can be a total mses and you can sitll raed it wouthit porbelm. Tihs is bcuseae the huamn mnid deos not raed ervey lteter by istlef, but the wrod as a wlohe. Amzanig huh?

All Our Ex's Should Live in Texas

I can't sit here and reserve all my time for just the Princess. She is triffling, however my ex is just as bad. If the Princess was not already shacked up with her lover, I would introduce them. They are very much alike.

I got home on friday evening after the concert (we went directly after work and did not come home first) and saw a wrapped gift on the kitchen counter. T had told me that he got me a surprise as well as the kids and I never gave it much thought. So I opened the paper to find a Christmas ornament from the Biltmore Estate. Now let me tell you that I collect ornaments and have been collecting them since 1978. Needless to say, I have alot of them. I buy them from everywhere I go and bring them back form my travels. So I look at this ornamant and realize that he has brought this back for me from his weekend with a woman last weekend. Not that I care about the woman or who he jets off with in the slightest. What bothered me was the fact that I had asked and begged him for the three years we lived in NC to take me to the Biltmore. I had begged him for years to take me anywhere frankly and he never did. When I say never, I mean never. He and I spent 12 plus years together and NEVER went away together without the kids. Not even for one night. I digress.....

So I am holding this thing and I had the sudden urge to shove it up his................ok, I know it wouldn't have fit anyways. But it was a nice thought. He bought me a souvenir from his weekend with a woman. Am I the only one that thinks that it's weird? I mean I wouldn't do that. I wouldn't take PC to the Richard Petty driving school (something he's always wanted to do) and get a video of him driving around turn one, etc. and bring it back for T. (Yes, T's a NASCAR guy). Come on people!! The funny thing is that I know T did not mean anything by it. He was trying to be nice and bring me back an ornament. I know, I know. You're all saying "He's a guy Kay". Yes he is and a stupid one at that.

So, should I keep the ornament or re-wrap it for him for Christmas?

The Princess Diaries

Believe it or not, I could not wait to get to work today. Not because I love my job, which I do. No, I could not wait to get to work this morning to get away from the house, kids, packing, chores, running around and the miriad of things I have looming over my head. I have a list that would make any Supermom cringe. Plus I couldn't wait to get in front of the computer to blog about our weekend.

Let's start off with Friday and the Wilco concert. PC and I had dinner and a couple drinks at the place we got engaged before hand. Well, I had a couple drinks. He just had one because he drove. The weather was beautiful and I was relieved since lately it has been like a sauna here. You could smell the pine trees every now and then and it was "nice". I say "nice" because the lead singer of Wilco kept saying everything was "nice". It was a little odd. I know he is clean and sober now but come on, you can interject something stonger than "nice" in there somewhere. After the concert, we went and got coffee at Borders and I got cookies. Gotta love those soft huge cookies they sell. Yum. We got there with one minute to spare before they closed. Anyways, that was friday nite.

So now let me tell you about our Saturday morning. Here we are dead asleep and PC's cell phone rings. It was a little after 9 I believe. He just jumps out of bed like he heard the fire bell at the firehouse and was going to slide down one of those poles. I kinda stirred but kept my eyes shut and rolled over. Apparently he missed the call. So he looks to see who it is, thinking that it might be his office. (They have been having ALOT of computer problems there lately) Nope it is not his office, it's the Princess.

So do you think he closes the phone and comes back to bed? Nope. Do you think he waited to hear the message to see what it was about? Nope. Do you think he went pee first? (I mean everyone has their morning rituals) Nope.

No he calls the Princess back and walks into the bathroom to talk to her and I laid there listening. Well, apparently DQ had taken the scooter or some ride on toy over to PC's house and left it there during the week. The toy or scooter belonged to one of her lover's kids and the kid wanted it back. So she asks him if he is home. Nope. She tells him that she needs to go over to his house and get back the toy and needs to get inside the house. (They live in the same neighborhood and close enough to spit on each other. But don't get me started about that right now. ) PC proceeds to tell her that IAB should have a key and that if he doesn't then there is a key under some rock. Now this is something that she has been told before many times and she knows this. Nothing has changed since I met PC. So here is the kicker. She asks him if she can't get in, can he come home and get the item and bring it to her!!!!

It is Saturday morning. He is in bed with me at my house, which is about 25 minutes away from his house. She has woken him up out of a dead sleep for this shit. He responds to her by saying if IAB doesn't have the key and you can't find the other, call me back. WHAT!!!??!!?!?!?!? Call me back? What the hell.

Needless to say, I sat up and was NOT a happy camper. And yes there was a much needed discussion between myself and PC. Namely, that her urgency about her lover's kid's scooter was not his concern. He should never have left the door open or given her the impression that he would even consider driving home to get a damm scooter. Not to mention the fact that he jumps on calling her back in the first place. How and the world does that make me feel? She has some nerve, as I have said many times. His response was that he knew the key would be there and that he would not be getting a call back and that he did not want to cause a fight. Well, my point was that he should have listened to the message first before immediately calling her back. He would have then determined that it was not important and came back to bed. Let her handle it herself, knowing full well that she has called for just this type of thing before. (Many times since I met PC) She knows and has known how to get in the house to get what she needs or wants. But she wants HIM to get it for her or do it for her.

Well folks, there's a new sherriff in town. I wear the hat and I wear the star. Things WILL change. She will not be getting her way anymore. She will not be taking advantage of him anymore. He has a life, just like she has a life. He is not going to roll over and bark for her when she wants him to. It is all about respect. She has no respect to him, his wants, his desires or the fact that he has a life. It is all about HER. Unfortunately for her, it is now all about US.

Friday, August 8, 2008

Wilco Tonight

PC and I are going to see Wilco tonight. I saw them back in 2005 and they were one of the best bands I had ever seen live, as far as sound quality goes. I saw them in a small venue in Florida at the time. Tonight they are playing outside at the ampetheater. I was thinking that we were going to sweat our butts off but the weather changed overnight and it is really supposed to be nice. I am excited. This will be the second concert I have been to with PC. It is nice to go with him because you can really tell he enjoys himself and enjoys me. I always feel comfortable to let loose and have fun. I really don't worry if he thinks I am weird or anything, because I know I'm weird and apparently he's ok with it. Does that make him weird too?
Before we head off to the concert, we are going to get a drink and some food. Since we commuted to work and he has my car, I told him to park it near my office and go into this local bar and have a seat as if he is there by himself. I will meet him there and see if I can't use a pick up line on him. I have some good ones you know. I want him to pretend like he doesn't know me and meeting me for the first time and see where it goes. Yes, I know. We aren't even married yet and we are resorting to role playing. Hey, don't knock it!!

What makes her so damn special?

PC got a call from his ex this morning and during the conversation she asked him if he would switch the dresser he has at his house for DQ with the one she has at her house. Stating that the dresser at her new house does not match the other stuff in DQ's room and the one at PC's house would match better.

Now let me say that the dresser at PC's house is a light maple color with nickel pulls but certainly not Ethan Allen by any means. She wants to switch it for a pine colored dresser that does not match her room frankly at either house. If the dresser does not match at her new house, what makes her think it would match at our new house? I am sorry, but she's got nerve.

I just finished painting DQ's room at her dad's house, organizing it, buying all new bedding, pictures and essentially making it nice for her. Something I'm also going to be doing again in the near future at our new home. So his ex wants the better dresser at her home, so DQ's room at HER house looks more put together and we get stuck with the reject. Give me a damn break. I have seen pictures of her house and have seen her decor choices first hand, er go, the reason for this blog.

Thursday, August 7, 2008

Like My Choices?

I figured I would share my two favorite bridesmaid dresses for the wedding. I know they are a bit on the fancy side but still very tasteful. Right? As you can see, I like pink.

I have also included a picture of my wedding dress. Hopefully the sleeves won't scratch my face or interfere with my big hair.

10 Things To Never Do At A Wedding

My wedding day is fast approaching and we are working on our invitations as we speak. I came across this handy dandy article today and thought I would share it with you. Not that I think any of you are trifling enough to do any of these ten things, but perhaps you know someone who is. Enjoy.

The day two people exchange vows may not be your special day, but it's someone's special day, so be on your best behavior -- all the way from the I -do's to the obligatory Gloria Gaynor dance marathon...

Don't Be Fashionably Late - As the song says, get to the church on time! Allow enough time to get to there 15 minutes early or more no matter what weather, traffic, or other acts of divine intervention pop up. Print out directions to both the ceremony and the reception (if it's at a different location). Many a wedding has been hampered by guests who got lost and showed up an hour late.

Don't Produce Sound Effects - While at a wedding and reception, turn off your Blackberries and cell phones, put them on vibrate, or better yet, don't even take them!

Don't Talk Trash - It may sound obvious, but it happens all the time. No matter how big or how loud a wedding is, things get overheard. So, be on your best and most polite behavior. No gossip about any of the other guests. No complaining out loud about anything -- whether it's the food or the long line at the ladies' room. And no comparisons to other weddings! As far as the bride and groom are concerned, this is a perfect day, and so it should be! (We already know the bridesmaid dresses at PC's first wedding far surpass in style than the ones in our wedding. Nothing quite beats tons of pink bows, flowers and tulle)

Don't Come Bearing Gifts - Whether you're planning on gifting the happy couple a Cuisinart or cold hard cash, do them a huge favor and don't bring it on the wedding day. If you do, they have to keep track of it and haul it home at the end of the night. Send the gift ahead of time, or after the actual ceremony -- at a time when they can really relax and enjoy it. Ok, you can come bearing gifts and lots of them. Big Ones!!

Don't Dress Down - Whatever you choose to wear, make the effort to look your best for the bride and groom. They'll appreciate that you got dolled or duded up for the occasion. If the invitation doesn't specify dress code, put in a friendly email or call to the bride, groom, their parents, or attendants to get more info. Black Tie means you've got to dust off that long silk dress or rent a tux. If it's an outdoor affair, there may be more leeway, but get details on the location, so you can come prepared (because it's isn't fun to be traipsing around in the sand in your stilettos!).

Don't Bring Mr. or Ms. Random - If you're single, choose your date carefully. If it's someone you've only been out with once, it may not be the best idea (could be awkward for you, your date, and the newlyweds). Same if it's someone you recently "sort of" broke up with. Weddings are intimate affairs and bringing in a stranger should be done with thought. Let the bride or groom know if you decide to come alone so they can seat you with other fun "ones!" And as much as you may love your kiddos, don't take them if children aren't invited. (Yes that would not be cool at an adult only reception.) Unless of course you are Megan.

Don't Steal the Show - Wedding ceremonies take all forms -- from religious to poetic, musical, or humorous. Whatever the vibe, let the bride and groom set the tone and follow their lead. If you're normally a loud, life-of-the-party type, bring it down a notch and let the wedding couple stand out. If you're a weeper, bring tissues and sit where you can sob without disturbing the I Do's. If the ceremony includes religious rituals, find out what you should do (or not do) ahead of time.

Don't Pig Out - If food is serve-yourself, avoid the buffet line stampede and wait until the crowd dies down. Also, avoid going back for thirds. Take a break and save room for cake! Seconds might be okay, once you've seen that everyone has eaten. If the food is served sit-down, eat what is served without requesting substitutions or omissions, unless you have a food allergy. Otherwise, pick delicately or chow down, but don't gripe that you "don't like fish." Worse comes to worst, you can hit Burger King on the way home! (I guess I should tell Tmo and DQ this as well. )

Don't Drag Out Skeletons - If the bride blushes, it should be from pride, joy, or sheer love. Not because someone just stood up and told a humiliating story about the loser she dated in high school! Ingratiate yourself to the lady and her groom by avoiding any potentially embarrassing or juvenile behavior -- no bawdy jokes, no tales about their dating habits or exploits, no overdrinking, and no overly sexy dancing. Have fun, but don't have it at anyone else's expense.

Don't Stockpile Party Favors - At the end of the night, as you're saying your thank-yous and farewells, avoid the urge to hog all the super-cool (or yummy) party favors! You don't need to take some for people who weren't able to attend. You don't need extras. Take one for yourself, unless someone in the wedding party urges you to do otherwise. (Another thing I need to tell the girls.)

My New House

Here's our new house. 2,700 square feet, 4 BR, 3.5 baths, plus a bonus room.

I lvoe my new house and can't wait to close on August 28th.

Ok, Ok, So I Live Next to a Registered Sex Offender

I am selling my house and it is under contract. It went under contract about 5 days after I listed it, a feat in and of itself. The buyers have done all their inspections and have made me jump through all the proverbial hoops and had me fix this and fix that. We are set to close on August 28th. I have also put a contract in on another house with PC, so we are doing back to back closings.

I get a call from my agent this morning asking me about the sex offender next door. Now I could have said, what sex offender, what are you talking about? At least that's what PC told me to say. I can't do that. Bad karma. So I explain the situation to her and she is on the other line with the buyer's agent, relaying the information to her. Apparently the buyer is "freaking out". I guess that is the one thing that the buyers did not check out before putting in the contract on my home, which is the same thing that happen to me. I checked out everything BUT that when I moved into the house.

I digress. Not to worry, I do know what happened with the guy. I already had asked about what happened after one of the neighbors put a flyer in my mailbox shortly after we moved in and I "freaked out". The guy was under the influence and felt up a 14 year old staying in the house while he lived in NJ. He was convicted of it and served 4 years in NJ and has to register for life. This happened years ago. He does not want to screw little children and is not a chester the molester. Well, I guess technically he was one. But for a 14 year old that looked a hell of alot older. I am certainly not saying what he did was right, as it was not.

I am just saying that I have lived next door for three years and have had no problem at all. I just feel safe and do not have any issues with it all. I am not afraid he will come get my kids or anything, anymore than I would be without him living there. He lives with my neighbors and is the brother of the woman that loves there. He works 6 days a week and is never there. I rarely have seen him in 3 years.

Hell, if I were the buyers I would be more concerned with the fact that my neighbors next door are Jahovah's Witnesses. Lord knows how they can be.

Needless to say, I am worried now that these people can walk away from the deal and I am shit out of luck. They would lose their $2K earnest money but I would be losing out on our new home.

So, I offered to call the sister of the guy, my neighbor, to see if she would allow me to give the buyers her number to talk to them and let them ask whatever questions they might have. I felt really uncomfortable calling my neighbor but I felt better after having talked to her about it. She let me give the buyers her number. We shall see now.

The Beast Growled At Me

PC and I commuted to work yesterday and we drove the Lexus rather than The Beast. We commute purely for selfish reasons and it has nothing to do with the environment. Sorry to all you tree huggers out there. It is all about saving money, since The Beast gets very hungry and tends to eat alot.

Anyways, we came home and pulled in the driveway behind The Beast. And upon exiting the car, I distinctly heard a growl emminating from The Beast. It was clearly mad that we did not drive it yesterday. It was as if it was trying to say "how could you take that little pu....y car when you have me to drive?" I believe it was offended.

Needless to say, I drove The Beast to work today and I heard nothing from it but humming as we drove down the road. After backing it into the parking spot in the parking deck and hitting the lock button, I walked toward the elevator and looked back. As if to make sure it was going to be ok all day there in that hot spot, but yet shaded from the sun's rays. I could have sworn I saw a small smirk on it's grill.

I know what you're thinking, perhaps I swallowed too much toothpaste or PC spiked my coffee this morning. I am really not crazy folks. Just a little weird at times.

Wednesday, August 6, 2008

Bad Luck??

Is it bad luck to wear your wedding band before the wedding? I have this beautiful wedding set, total bling-bling, and I wanted to wear the band and was told that it possibly was bad luck. Is that true? I have never heard of such a thing.

Thank God for Seamstresses

Well, let me start off by saying that I am a bargain hunter, as most of you already know about me. I did go to David's Bridal and try on wedding dresses and found a few that i really liked. But I did not buy one the day I went to David's. Instead I went online and searched for a better deal on Ebay. I know. I know. But anyways, I saw this beautiful dress on Ebay and instead of $549, I paid $275 plus shipping. I am cheap. What can I say. However, it is from a different designer for David's Bridal. That designer's measurements are not the same as the dresses I had tried on in the store. Therein lies the problem. So here I have this awesome dress and it simply will not finish zipping up my mid back. I start to panic. I head off to the diet doctor again and start taking my wonderful diet drugs. Gotta love drugs. I lose a few pounds and really do not mind losing more. But my boss pointed out that I simply can not change my rib cage. Why the hell not? After a few weeks of trying to think positively about the dress and it fitting, I sucked it up and went to a seamstress last night on the way home from work - dress in tow.
Now the seamstress was not in like a strip mall or anything, she was in the middle of the sticks. She gave me her address and directions and I thought I was lost three times. I had to pull off this country road and drive down a dirt/gravel road and parked in front of a double wide. Her business was in her home. She must have been doing pretty well for herself because there was an S Class Benz sitting in her gravel driveway. When I got out of the truck, I hear roosters in the background. It was odd. But I did pass a few miniature horse farms on the way there. She was around my mom's age and African American and reminded me of my daughter's old babysitter in FL. Very nice but with a country twang.
She had me try it on and confirmed...."yep it won't zip up sweetie". Hell, I could have told her that. But seriously, she was really nice. I took the dress off and she fiddle faddled with it for a while and told me she had 1 1/2 inches of play on each side. It might possibly fit me. She took my measurements and confirmed that it would fit. Praise God or who ever is in change up there. It will be ready for me by the end of next week and she is only charging me $40.00. Can you imagine? She is going to let out both sides of the dress and resew the beading and the other fancy stuff. What a deal!!

Now I am excited again about the dress. My princess dress, to marry my Prince Charming. Now all I have to get is my headpiece and my undergarments. I have a few things picked out online but have not clicked "buy" yet. Here are my shoes though.

Tuesday, August 5, 2008

I think he wants the beast

I have been driving the beast, our new expedition to work this week. Keep in mind, it is only Tuesday. I have this strange feeling that PC is coveting the truck and really wants to drive it. He says he wants to take it to work one day to show it off. Is that a guy thing? My co-workers could care less about seeing the expedition. No, really!! I think he likes the new car smell, the leather and the fact that he sits up higher than he is sitting in my Lexus. But I have to resist the urge of being selfish because I like the new car smell, the leather and the fact that I sit up higher than I would in my Lexus. It is hard to give up the thrown to someone else, regardless if love is involved. What does love have to do with the new car smell?

Monday, August 4, 2008

Road Trip Anyone

We took the beast a/k/a the new expedition on a road trip yesterday to the beach. The rtuck fit all 6 of us nicely and road really well. I found that if I drove the speed limit and nothing over 70 mph, I averaged 21.7 miles per gallon. That is above the manufacturer's listings. I was impressed. They say it should get 18 mpg on the highway. I drove it in to the office this morning and my average was 23.9. Not to shabby. I was not expecting to get that kind of gas mileage out of it. My old Chevy Venture for 28 MPG on the highway, so for the beast to get 21.7..........

The beach was hot, sandy, wet and salty. All in all, it was the beach. The waves were high and the kids had fun boggie boarding in. IAB got stung by a jellyfish and was hurting pretty bad. After diagnosing the injury (Dr. K - Medicine Woman), I had the daunting task of telling him the treatment. Yes, that's right. He needed someone to pee on him. I know what you are thinking. And you should have seen the look on his face and the look on PC's face. They were like. you're kidding right? I was like....nope. TS pipes in and volunteers to the call of duty. It was funny. PC says but I don't have to pee right now. I didn't either. I think they did not believe me or something. Then I had to tell them the story of why I came to know this little tidbit of knowledge.

Yes, that's right. I got stung by a bunch of jellyfish while snorkeling off the Keys when I was like early 20s. I was out in the middle of the water and was looking down when I realized I was in the middle of a bunch of them. I felt like I was being sliced with razor blades. It got worse when I got out of the boat and the air hit my skin. I felt like I was on fire. (IAB, I felt your pain!!) They got me up on the boat and they all were trying to help me and then started looking at each other and then at me. I was like "what"? Here I am on this boat with my boyfriend at the time, his mom and dad and his younger brother and sister. His mom says honey they have to pee on you. I was like WHAT!!??!! I gave the same look that IAB gave yesterday. Here I am in pain and the only way out of it is for my boyfriend, his dad and his younger brother to pee on my stings. Yes, I was lucky they were not on my arms. I thank got for that. I only had them on my legs. I was like I can't watch you guys pee on me. His mom says "that's alright, I will cover your face with a towel and you won't know which one is peeing on you." Like that makes any difference. So they proceed to pee on me and about 10 minutes later (because you can't wash it off anytime sooner) the stinging stopped. Whoda thought? We moved to a different spot and continued to snorkel. I think it was so that I could wash it off and not smell like I was a walking outhouse.

So back to IAB. I lfet him with his dad and went for a walk with Tmo, since he clearly did not want or desire me to pee on him. I got back and they were gone. When they got back, they told me that they asked the lifeguard about the sting and were told that vinegar would make it go away but vinegar. They went walking from lifeguard to lifeguard and finally found one who had some. He came back smelling like a garden salad instead. Then here is my son, "awww, I wanted to pee on him". Too funny.

Friday, August 1, 2008

It's 5 O'Clock Somewher!!

I need a glass of wine.

We Got Us A Hooptie!

We got us a hooptie!! A 2008 Ford Expedition. It's a real pretty blue. I always wanted a blue car and never was able to get one because the lots never seemed to have what I wanted in blue. I finally got a blue one. I just love it and you gotta love that new car smell too. The downside is of course the gas for the beast. With gas being around $3.89 here, it is going to painful whipping out that credit card at the pump. But of course this is all George Bush's fault.

Ok, so back to the truck. PC traded in his car and I sold my travel trailer yesterday and put that money towards the new expedition. We have officially bought something together. The house is next, but we don't sign on the bottom line for that until 8/28. That debt will be a bit higher that the expedition.

I think I am craving a road trip. Roap trip! Road trip!! I might head out to the beach this weekend. It will only be me, TS, DQ and TMO. PC is taking IAB to do paintball to "bond" and have father/son time. He He He.... they will be sweating their asses off out there. I will be sunning myself with my toes in the water.

Plus I need to work on getting rid of my tan lines before the wedding, because my dress is strapless and I have tan lines where my old suit used to be. I suppose I should actually get a suit that has no straps first.

Either way, I am actually looking forward to driving with three kids, if only because of the truck. I know, it is shameful.

First Blog - Hope this doesn't hurt.

Ok, here I go. This is my first blog. After getting the full lesson on what is a blog, why I should do it and what it is for.....I am shooting from the hip here and will start off by naming all the cast members in my life (ok, I am copying you Prince Charming).

There is my future husband - Prince Charming or PC for short
My son - TS
My Daughter - TMO
PC's son - IAB
PC's daughter - DQ (I figured I would stick with that one)
My Ex - TB