Anyways, I have been reading up on the Jewish faith and the holidays and such. Because after all I'm marrying this man and I would like to know about his faith....or lack thereof. I say that because I seem to have a better grasp on the holidays and what they mean more than he does. Lately, I feel that I might be the better Jew.
I know Rosh HaShanah is next Tuesday and I thought I would perhaps coax him into some religion for a change rather than him being a nay sayer all the time about religion. I even told him I would fast with him and not jump his bones for Pete's sake. So when I asked him about atonement and the things he wants to change or correct, he was like - what? what are you talking about? Like I said, I'm the better Jew here.
So I figured I would focus on something he would perhaps get into.......FOOD. (I was right) So I went online and pulled up some food to make for the week. Now I got his attention. For the most part, the dishes are easy to make and pretty inexpensive as well. Hell, I can do this.
However, the Matzo Ball soup is a bit labor intensive and more for one of those stay at home Jews. I have too much on my plate to attempt that one. Plus it just sounds yucky. I'm not sure what kinda animal a Matzo is and I don't think it's right to eat it's balls. When I told him I would make him Knishes he immediately said I love you. If I had know it was that easy, I would have cooked a knish for him sooner and perhaps would be married by now.
BTW, doesn't that look like Oreo (our cat)?????
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