Friday, September 26, 2008

Suspension of suspension

Time Magazine's media blog is looking at the activities of the McCain campaign during its 'suspension' and notes that something odd is going on:
In other words: what is "suspending" a campaign anyway? It means skipping out on a debate. It means pulling campaign ads, which can run later anyway.
But it doesn't preclude getting yourself (and your running mate) on the CBS Evening News that same night. It doesn't mean keeping your surrogates—and, let's be fair, the other guy's—off the news shows to argue the valor of your Entirely Nonpolitical Decision. It doesn't mean your viral web ads go away. As far as I've read, it doesn't mean suspending polling or political messaging generally.
None of these free-media aspects are exactly small, in this campaign age.
So 'Suspension' means a freeze of spending on the biggest budget item in a campaign (TV advertising) and nothing else while loudly proclaiming one's virtue. I wonder why this is the case?

Could it be a response to this TPM Election Central report from earlier in the week?
Obama's overall spending on TV ads has jumped 50% in the last two weeks, while McCain's has held steady -- and Obama is now outspending his rival even as he's up on the air in more states. In the week ending Sept. 21, Obama spent $9.4 million on TV ads in roughly 15 states.... McCain's outlay has held steady at around $7.5 million in roughly a dozen states
Recent polling out of Indiana has pushed that state into a contestable swing state where McCain or his allies have to spend money. McCain's defensive map is expanding as Obama is very likely to pick off New Mexico and Iowa and likely to pick off Colorado which is his minimal winning coalition. At the same time alternative Obama victory routes run through Virginia, Ohio, Florida and North Carolina. McCain's best offensive flip attempt is New Hampshire. And now Indiana is in play.

McCain's campaign is on a fixed budget so a dollar spent this week can not be raised or spent for the last week of the campaign. Obama does not face a budget constraint that is anywhere near as binding.

So is this an attempt for the McCain campaign to make a 'virtue' or at least a 'mavericky' stand out of the necessity of being financially outgunned -- bet that the 'suspension' is such an oddball move that it will dominate the limited free political coverage while both candidates are buried under economic crisis news?

See PC, I can post political crap too.

Knish Anyone?

Last night I attempted to make PC homemade knishes. He said I did a good job. I followed the recipe and made to sour cream dipping sauces on the side. One with fresh chives and the other with fresh dill. I had never had a knish, so I had no idea if I did it right or not. PC said that I did it right.
He brought some to work with him for lunch and/or breakfast today and the dog did not wind up with them, so I suppose they were good.
The good thing is that I can see where the recipe can be altered to make different variations of a knish. This is exactly what I plan on doing. Plus I did not like the log style that the recipe called for last night. Next time I will make individual ones, rather than cut the log per say. Also I think I can make other complimentary sauces and such to dip the knish into. Experimenting with different ones is going to be fun. Plus, I think I needed to roll the dough out more and thinner. PC was right. I am the bomb!! My future mother in law will love me. Now on to the harder stuff.

Thursday, September 25, 2008

Jewish 101

For those of you that don't know, I'm a Baptist and PC is Jewish. Not that he practices much of the Jewish faith, but every now and then he puts his toe into the water. And, I kinda like it when he does. I think it's great actually. I like religion generally and am open to his, albeit different from mine. I believe in the Trinity and he believes Jesus could probably put that pocket door in our master bathroom for us effortlessly and with something good to say to boot. (Get it, Jewish carpenter reference.)
Anyways, I have been reading up on the Jewish faith and the holidays and such. Because after all I'm marrying this man and I would like to know about his faith....or lack thereof. I say that because I seem to have a better grasp on the holidays and what they mean more than he does. Lately, I feel that I might be the better Jew.
I know Rosh HaShanah is next Tuesday and I thought I would perhaps coax him into some religion for a change rather than him being a nay sayer all the time about religion. I even told him I would fast with him and not jump his bones for Pete's sake. So when I asked him about atonement and the things he wants to change or correct, he was like - what? what are you talking about? Like I said, I'm the better Jew here.
So I figured I would focus on something he would perhaps get into.......FOOD. (I was right) So I went online and pulled up some food to make for the week. Now I got his attention. For the most part, the dishes are easy to make and pretty inexpensive as well. Hell, I can do this.
However, the Matzo Ball soup is a bit labor intensive and more for one of those stay at home Jews. I have too much on my plate to attempt that one. Plus it just sounds yucky. I'm not sure what kinda animal a Matzo is and I don't think it's right to eat it's balls. When I told him I would make him Knishes he immediately said I love you. If I had know it was that easy, I would have cooked a knish for him sooner and perhaps would be married by now.
BTW, doesn't that look like Oreo (our cat)?????

Sushi, Diamonds and Exes, Oh My!

Last night we took my daughter out for her 12th to a Japanese restaurant. It was me, PC, my son, my daughter, PC's two kids and my ex husband Tony. (I can use his real name cuz there is like a million Tonys in the world.) It was a tad bit awkward but overall we had a good time. Tony was on his best behavior and put on a good show that he is not this bad guy and was oh so nice. He even bought PC and I a round of drinks. And when we went outside to leave, I could have sworn that he wanted to give PC a big hug and a kiss. (I think Tony likes you PC!!) PC and I agreed that he just didn't want to leave us and drive home by himself.

He also bought Taylor this elaborate gift, more for like a 16 year old. He had a necklace and earrings made for her in white gold, diamonds and blue sapphires and the sapphires were all cut from the same stone. Of course he didn't pick this jewelry out for her himself. He never had any taste or an eye for jewelry. His new girlfriend apparently has an Uncle in NY that hooked him up and made them for her. They were quite lovely but a bit over the top for a 12 year old. Yes, he out did me.

I got her two tickets to Sunday's Panthers game, a Panthers pink t-shirt and another long sleeve shirt for underneath. PC is taking her on Sunday to the game and a very large tailgate party with like 100 people there. There will be tons of food and she will have a good time. I also got her a MP3 player and went in with her dad on a $75 gift certificate for Deb, this store she likes to shop at.

PC got her TWO DS games that she wanted. All in all, she made out like a bandit. Oh, and I forgot that Tony's girlfriend got her a $20 gift certificate for some store in the mall that none of us heard of. He of course gave that to her at the table too. Keep in mind that my daughter has never met Tony's girlfriend face to face before and has only talked to her over the phone or computer at her dad's house. But hell, she'll take the gift. I get to have the fun taking her shopping with it. (Evil laugh) Like I said, she did very well for herself this year.

Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Roosters, Dogs & Other Random Thoughts

Ever since Saturday morning when I attempted to lift an iron table to move it, I have had extreme low back pain which has been radiating down my leg. I hate going to the doctor, so I have been taking some good drugs to combat the pain. I was hoping the problem would go away but it did not and I finally went to the chiropractor this morning to get it treated. I am glad I went because I feel a bit better but still very sore and stiff. So I took another pain pill and am trying to get through my day and focus on my files. Not so easy when your head is in the clouds and you're all loopy. The things that popped into my head and have come out of my mouth made perfectly good sense to me, but I am the one taking drugs here. The people around me might not understand my ramblings. I laid in bed last night talking with PC and as I look back on the moments I remember, I did not make one bit of sense. However, it all made sense to me. I am pretty sure that I referred to my ex as a scratching rooster. I could just picture his face on a rooster's body, popping out his head like a rooster and such. I could not stop laughing. Shortly after that, I fell asleep.

A moment ago I was looking online for a wedding gift for PC and I came across this book about Sarah Palin, which I am confident that he would have loved for a wedding gift. But alas, he sent me another one with Chuck Norris on it. This in turn, made me think of Hong Kong Phooney. (#1 Superstar!!) I sat at my desk laughing and immediately started searching for a good picture to remind me of what he looked like. Now I didn't put PC's head on Hong Kong Phooey or anything. That would be wrong. His head would fit better on perhaps Skeletor or He-Man from Masters of the Universe. But we all know that He-Man was totally gay. Not that PC is gay or anything but those cartoon charactors are the ones that popped into my head if I were to put his head on something.
So this brings me to my question. Am I more fun loopy or not? Do I make more sense on medication than not? Even though my thoughts are off the wall........are they really that off? Odd perhaps and slurred perhaps but are they really off the proverbial mark? To me, I make perfect sense.
I'll tell you one thing. These people who take drugs surely ain't gettin any in the bedroom, because I haven't wanted any. I'm not sure whether that has more to do with the back pain or the fact that I am tired and loopy all the time. If I tried to do it, I would probably fall asleep. (not because of you PC, cuz you Rock!)

Friday, September 19, 2008

Thursday, September 18, 2008

Should I Worry?

I usually don't have anything bad to say about my sex life with PC. So this is a first for me but as I said last night, "I am soooo going to blog about this tomorrow." And being true to my word, I am doing so.
Last night, PC yawned during sex!! I mean during sex. Not that I am bragging or anything but this has NEVER happened to me in 40 years of living. (The first 16 of those don't count however.)
Needless to say, I immediately asked if he was bored. And.....this was immediately answered with a resounding NO. So I did what any woman would do. Tell him to get the heck off me. And.....this was immediately answered with a resounding NO.
So....what's a woman to do? That's right, finish the job and blog about it in the morning. However, after doing a bit of research I found the following news article on the subject: (Yes - I researched it.)
A Canadian poll found that only 12 percent of Canadians think yawning during sex is embarrassing compared with 30 percent who thought yawning while exchanging your marriage vows was the worst. They also found that yawning during marriage vows leads to yawning during sex, yawning during arguments and yawning during divorce proceedings.
I am not sure if I am more surprised at the fact that a poll was actually taken concerning the subject or the results of the poll. I don't know about Canadians, but this red-blooded American thinks that it's embarrassing to yawn during sex. For both the the yawner and the boring person laying beneath them. The rest of the poll speaks for itself.
Then I found another news article that told me that I needed to perform an erotic dance before bed to avoid another yawning incident. That's not going to happen!! My stripper days are over.
As I head down the isle in three weeks, I am left to wonder "Is he going to yawn during the marriage vows too?" This whole yawning thing obviously has a domino effect, as referenced in the article. Should I buy more coffee? Should I perhaps install a stripper pole in the bedroom? I've heard they are good exercise. No, that would not go with my decor.
I am open for suggestions people!!

The Strangeness That Surrounds Me

Let me start off by saying that I have been too busy to write anything as of late. I tell myself all the time, "I am sooo going to blog about that tomorrow". Then I get busy and forget. They really should put more government funding in this cloning thing, because I really need a couple more of me to do my bidding. There are just not enough hours in the day and the evenings seem to be getting shorter and shorter for me. This getting up at 5:10 am is killing me in the evening, especially my sex life. Sorry PC.

Anyways, here are some memorable quotes from the last few days from the various little (and big) monsters that I reside with for your enjoyment and pleasure.

"Mom, can you pull this hair out of my nipple?"
"If I find a loop hole in your rules, can I break them?"
"How do I sew these pants without sticking my finger with the needle?"
"Is that all we are having, salad, where's the protein?"
"Yes I ate all the brownies, you never told me I couldn't."
"I can't put the gokart away, it's stuck between two cars."
"I'm innocent, I tell ya."
"If I practice for 7 minutes, will you say I did it for 25?"
"Can I have the biggest piece?"
"Did the Alieve kick in, can we have sex now?"
"Can I taste all the dressings first and then decide?"
"Wanna have lunch?.......Thanks for paying."
"How do I know if you put my clean clothes in the hamper just to get me in trouble?"
"Do dogs eat coffee grounds?"
"My mom told me to hold it and go at your house."

Yes there are stories behind each of these and not enough time to tell them all. Such is my life. There is never a dull moment, that's for sure.

So here is my thought of the day:

When guys watch movies with any mention of sex or topic of sex in them, does this turn on some sort of switch that makes them want to have sex themselves? Who'da thought that watching the "40 Year Old Virgin" would elicit such a response. Not that I'm complaining mind you, I was just wondering.

Friday, September 12, 2008

In the midst of chaos and stress, PC never ceases to amaze me. He is one of the most caring and thoughtful individuals I have ever known.

I received another email from him today:

"If I could pick just one moment from all the days that I've lived and keep it fresh in my memory, I'd pick the moment I met you..."

We just finished going to the court house to get our marriage license. The State of North Carolina says since we paid our $50, we can now get hitched. Why do we need a license though? Why charge a fee to get married? Don't we pay enough with the marriage tax with the IRS? If anything, they should require a compatability test before you get married. Either way, I know PC and I would pass with flying colors. We were made for each other and I am truly blessed to have him in my life.

Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Pooping with a Purpose

I did not have too much time yesterday to tell you about the previous time Lefty had taught T1 a much needed lesson about taking him outside. Let me preface this by saying that my son likes video games. Well, perhaps that is an understatement. Anyways, one time Lefty was standing by the front door and needed to go outside. That is his usual spot. He will sit by the front door and just stare you down until you see him and take him outside to go. Well, this one time my son just walked right past him and went to play video games and ignored him sitting there waiting to be taken out. When T1 got up from his video games to go pee himself, Lefty went in the play room and gingerly and strategically squatted on top of T1's Playstation controllers. Lefty had managed to drop turds directly on top of each one of the controllers and nothing else. Not the carpet or anything else. Just on T1's video game controllers. So T1 comes in from using the bathroom and screams that the dog shit on my controllers.

Of course, I came running upstairs to see what he was yelling about. I was amazed at the precision accuracy of the poop which he had dropped right on each of his controller. You had to admire that!! I just stood there with utter amazement and looked at T1 and asked him when the last time he took the dog out was and didn't he see him down stairs earlier by the door. T1 responded at the time that wanted to play video games first and do what he wanted to do. Apparently, the dog had other things in mind and did what he needed to do to drive home his point. Once again teaching a lesson without destroying any of mom's things. tee hee.

Gotta love him.

Tuesday, September 9, 2008

I gotsa go poop!!

My dog Lefty is the best and smartest dog in the whole world. I know others of you think your dogs are the best and yadda yadda, but you're wrong. Lefty also has a sense of humor, rare for a canine.

It's my son's job to take out the dog, feed the dog and otherwise clean up after him. He gets paid for this job and pretty much does is faithfully on a daily basis. However, there are times when he gets busy, gets off track and ignores the dog. Last night was one of those nights. Apparently my son only took Lefty outside after he got home from school but never took him out again for the rest of the evening. So here we are trying to move some furniture around in DQ's room and set her room up a bit and Lefty was hanging out with us and then exited the room. All of a sudden we hear from the boy's room "Lefty's peeing on T1" "Oh my God". I rounded the corner to see what was going on and I see Lefty standing on top of T1, just starring down on him and peeing on him in the middle of his bed. Here he was just straddling him and starring him down and relieving himself with a purpose. I just knew what he was thinking. "So, you think you can go to bed and leave me to hold my pee until tomorrow morning, do ya? Well, I've got news for you big boy."

T1 was like, what are you going to do about it? I told him nothing. He admitted he had not taken the poor dog out since around 3pm and I certainly don't blame the dog. No one was downstairs to see him at the door and what was he to do? I am just glad that the cdog lose T1 rather than my new carpet. That would have sucked.

It is amazing what lessons Lefty can teach without saying a word. Yes, I washed the bedding last night and it's all clean now. Nothing got past the top sheet.

Wednesday, September 3, 2008

Today's Message

We have been so very busy lately and I have had a million things to do and not enough time to do it all. But the following is an email I got from my PC this morning. See, this is the reason I love him. I am one lucky woman!!!

PC wrote~

"If I had a single blade of grass for every time I think about you, I could walk forever in our yard."

Tuesday, September 2, 2008

I am Flippin Tired!!!

Well, we are all moved in and I must say two things. One, I am really really tired. Two, I have alot of "stuff". It took a 26' truck and a 17' truck to get all my stuff moved. That's right, just MY stuff and I actually ran out of room and had to leave a few things at the house still. Pretty pathetic. I really am not a pack rat person though. I have a place for everything and everything in it's place motto. I don't have a cluttered house. I just have alot of stuff that I have accumulated over the years. Probably more so that anyone I know. I need sleep.