Friday, August 15, 2008

Heading Off to Meet the Folks

It's Friday and I'm leaving work early to get home and all packed up for our trip to Maryland for the weekend. We get to drive The Beast on a road trip further than just the beach this time. He'll be happy about that. We are taking all four kids and I get to meet more of PC's family. I am looking forward to it, although I have to admit I'm a bit nervous. I hope they like me and my kids. Nothing a couple Valium won't cure, right? Kidding.

The girls are at their last day of soccer camp today and we will pick them up after their last game, get them showered (they really really stink) and get on the road. I have never been to Maryland either and that is another reason I am looking forward to the weekend. I love going to places I've never been and checking out the scene and surroundings. I am told we are going boating and downtown as well. It should be fun and hopefully I will be able to post some decent pictures on Monday. I won't hold my breath for good ones of me. I hate having my picture taken. I either have one eye half shut or I look like I have a double chin or something. I rarely am pleased with pictures of myself. The kids always look good when the pictures come back though and PC is handsome and always looks good too.


Joe said...

Don't worry about it at all. They are going to LOVE you.

AllisonABCD said...

We're really not intimidating at all... The Maryland clan is so much fun to be around and incredibly welcoming. (and of course, the future-sister-in-law from NY is AWESOME!)... Cant wait to meet you! See you tonight!