Monday, August 25, 2008

The Princess Rides Again

I thought I would bring you all up to speed on the Princess and her petty games. This weekend the Princess had the kids and Saturday was soccer practice. My daughter is on PC's team along with his daughter. PC drove to his house to get his daughter along with mine to head out to soccer practice.

Now keep in mind, this is my ex's weekend with my daughter but he came over to my house to help fix my riding mower and to mow the grass for us. He spent allot of time finding out how to "rig" the mower and then proceeded to cut the grass (which was knee high) twice. This was very much appreciated by PC and I.

I wish I could say that the Princess was as accommodating and frankly, nice. But alas....wishes don't always come true. I digress.

So PC and my daughter get to his house and shortly thereafter, so does the Princess with her mother in tow to drop DQ off. So the Princess tells PC that she will not be taking the cat when we move because he doesn't do her any favors and has refused to help her the last three times she has needed his help. I think I blogged about the last two times. God, there are so many more I could blog about but my fingers would hurt and I would again become increasingly angry at the way she treats PC.

She had agreed to take DQ's long haired cat and we were going to keep the short haired cat and take him with us to the new house. My son has really bad allergies and his face puffs up and the whole nine yards around cats. We were going to keep the lesser of two evils, so to speak. That way, his daughter would be able to keep her cat, just at her mom's house.

All was fine and dandy until "the dresser". (evil music playing in the background) I have been blogging about this damn dresser for a while now. She tells him that because he will not give her the dresser, she will not take the cat. Her daughter's cat. Then she tells him that she doesn't want the dresser either and does not care about either.

Folks, this is not about a dresser or a cat. This is about power and control. Plain and simple. She does not like being told NO when she wants something. When she wants something, she expects PC to jump and get right to it. Well, as I said there is a new sheriff in town and it simply is not going to happen anymore. She does not like it and wants to play games.

The sad part is that she plays these petty games by using and hurting others, more importantly her own daughter. She put the blame on PC and told DQ that it was his fault she was not going to keep her cat. Knowing full well she agreed to take that hair shedding, puking, basket eating, unsociable cat. One thing should not have anything to do with the other, but when you are the Princess it all ties in together. PC then told his daughter the real story and why mommy doesn't want to take her cat. He could not let his daughter think badly of him when he has been trying to fight a battle of wits with an unarmed person.

So after soccer practice, he dropped DQ off back at her mom's house and apparently DQ confronted her mother with everything. Ring, ring, ring, PC's phone immediately rings. Why did you tell DQ all those things that she was not privy to and should not have known? Umm, because you made me out to be the guy who let her cat go to the pound. She was not a happy camper because she did not expect someone else to know about how she rolls and works.

Her last words were that she does not care about the cat or the dresser. So here is PC with a dilemma. One, he is not and can not take the cat on Thursday when we move. Time is ticking away and she knows it. I could care less about the dresser, it is the principle of it all. I told him to not engage at all with her. She knows she wants the dresser and she knows she does not want to be blamed for the cat going to the pound. She will call.

And.............last night he went over there to drop some schools supplies off and did not go to the door. She sent out one of the kids to get the stuff from him. Then she asked if they could talk later in the week. (As I said she would) He says ok and leaves.

Perhaps between now and then, she will get her head out of her ass and think about her daughter other than herself.

But I'm not holding my breath.

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