Monday, August 18, 2008

Princess Diaries Continued

Let me start off by saying that I didn't really want to start off my Monday with an entry in the Princess Diaries but I told myself that I would not deprive my readers nor myself without having set the strange for our wonderful weekend in Maryland.

I got off early Friday from work so I could get home, get packed, load up the Beast, get to the soccer field to watch the girls in the "world cup" soccer game, get back to PC's house to get the girls showered and then get on the road. We had a 5 plus hour drive to Maryland to visit PC's family. So here we are and I am upstairs packing and PC is loading up the Beast and I head downstairs to put in the truck and I see him pacing in the driveway on his cell phone. He's not a happy camper I say to myself. Is it work, I wonder? Have the computers at work crashed? Nope. I watch him for a minute as he continues to pace in my driveway with a very unhappy and frustrated look on his face. He hangs up and the poor man just looks drained.

Apparently the Princess was at the DMV attempting to get the title work done on the truck that should have been done months ago. So because she waited, the current mileage on the truck did not match the mileage on the truck when PC signed the title over to her and they would not do the title work for her. Now had she done the title work when he signed the title over to her and not sat on her ass and waited forever and day to do it, she would not have had a problem. But alas....this was not the case.

So here we are loading up and about to leave to make it to the soccer field to watch the girls (one of which is her daughter) play by 3pm and then get on the road and she is demanding that PC leave to go into town (about 30 minutes away) to the DMV office to sign the back of the title again in front of a notary. Now come on people!!! So PC tells her that we are packing up to leave, yadda, yadda, yadda..........all of which she already knew. So she lays into him and gives him crap about how he never does anything fort her and it is like pulling teeth, blah, blah, blah.......she took the entire day off work to get this done, blah, blah, blah.......

And then because she was losing that battle and he was not going to jump when she snapped her stubby little fingers, she throws in the coveted dresser!!! And.......PC gave in and said take the damn dresser. She wore him down and got her flippin way on the dresser. I mean, she had to win something right? Conversation over. She got her way and he caves on the dresser. Once again, she has got some damn nerve. And here is poor PC getting his butt whipped by her and taking it all in the name of "I want to make everyone happy." I'm sorry but her urgency is not his concern, nor is it mine.

So we get in the car and head off to the field to watch the girls play with my son. I am sitting there and I have this feeling that because he did not do what she wanted that she would purposely be late getting IAB back to the house so we could leave on time. So I figured I would make a bet on it. I'm a bettin woman after all. So I bet him a tank of gas for the Beast that the Princess would be late getting IAB to the house because she was mad at him.

That's right folks, I won that bet. I should have bet more than just the gas I guess, but I didn't want to be too greedy. She was about a half an hour late getting IAB to the house. Not to worry, we got on the road and headed off to Maryland.

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