Thursday, August 7, 2008

The Beast Growled At Me

PC and I commuted to work yesterday and we drove the Lexus rather than The Beast. We commute purely for selfish reasons and it has nothing to do with the environment. Sorry to all you tree huggers out there. It is all about saving money, since The Beast gets very hungry and tends to eat alot.

Anyways, we came home and pulled in the driveway behind The Beast. And upon exiting the car, I distinctly heard a growl emminating from The Beast. It was clearly mad that we did not drive it yesterday. It was as if it was trying to say "how could you take that little pu....y car when you have me to drive?" I believe it was offended.

Needless to say, I drove The Beast to work today and I heard nothing from it but humming as we drove down the road. After backing it into the parking spot in the parking deck and hitting the lock button, I walked toward the elevator and looked back. As if to make sure it was going to be ok all day there in that hot spot, but yet shaded from the sun's rays. I could have sworn I saw a small smirk on it's grill.

I know what you're thinking, perhaps I swallowed too much toothpaste or PC spiked my coffee this morning. I am really not crazy folks. Just a little weird at times.

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