Here are some pictures from our trip to Maryland. I didn't want to go overboard on posting too many pictures, as I have alot of good ones from our trip. We went to the new house this morning for our walk through and I was reminded that we are moving next week!!! OMG I'm so far behind in the packing department. I hope I get it all done in time. This is the curse of accumulating allot of "stuff" over the last 40 years.
I picked up my wedding dress on the way home from work yesterday and it fits like a glove. I was so happy and excited. I just need to get the undergarments and I am all set. (And no, I'm not getting fishnets PC) I take the girls to get their dresses hemmed on Sept. 6th.
Who said you need undergarments?
We are a good looking family arent we? :)
Good luck with the move!
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