Last night on the way home, PC and I went to Chilli's to eat before sundown to observe Yom Kippur. Lord, did we eat. I about rolled out of there and I was amazed that he ate as much as he did and some of my food too. I felt like a cow or more like a fat bear who had packed it on for the winter. We went home and were supposed to do all these chores around the house on this list I made. Yeah, right. Like we had the energy to do any of these things. At least I didn't. He knocked a few things off the list but I felt fat and lazy.
Then I found out that you can't drink coffee. How am I going to survive? I am addicted to coffee and can't function without it. It was so difficult, no terrible, no unbearable not to have coffee this morning. I feel like a slug right now and can't stop yawning.
Then I find out (the hard way) that you can't have sex too. What the hell is up with that? What is there left to do all day? No food, no drink, no coffee, no wine, no cookies before bed. Did I mention no coffee? That one hurts the most. I'm hangin in there but can barely keep my eyes focused on the computer monitor.
No sex? Not even make-up sex? Because it seems like make-up sex fits right in with that whole atonement thing.
Good point. I will be sure to make that point when I get home. I never thought about that amidst my pouting.
Yeah, I think it's a must. If anyone can change these archaic rules, it's a woman. Go for it! (Besides, I'm sure PC won't argue with you!)
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