I had an appointment to get my hair done after work last night. I just had it colored on 9/16 but apparently no one told me that the back of my hair was two different colors and part of the color did not take. I came to find this out when I was getting ready for my hot adult only date this past Friday night and grabbed the hand mirror to check out both my ass and my hair in the mirror. I was mortified that my hair was two different colors and I called PC in the bathroom to show him and he said the same thing my boss said when I confronted her for not telling me. I thought you wanted it that way and didn't say anything. God God people!!! Of course I didn't want my hair looking like shit right before my wedding and for wedding pictures. Thank God I was being vain for a change and trying to check out to see whether my butt looked good in jeans or I would have had crappy hair for my wedding. Needless to say, I told them both from now on to tell me when my hair looks bad. I give them permission to make me feel bad, for the greater good. Moving on to my story.
I get to the appointment and my hairdresser and I are talking and she is fixing my hair and putting the color on it to even it all out, etc. And this guy walks into the salon with his young son, maybe 5 years old, to get hair cuts. I can't see the man because of the station partition so I asked Jill if he was the guy that works there in the first seat because he sounded just like him and I can't see the guy. She asked why and I told her that he had the same voice. Now the guy who I am referring to is extremely gay and talks as such. If you get my drift. So a minute goes by and he walks back with his son with another hairdresser. Ding Ding Ding.....he's gay. I mouth to Jill, he's gay. She said no he's married. I was like, so he's gay. Perhaps they have an arranged marriage. She tells me that she has tried to cut his son's hair before and could not finish because he was so bad. Just then the guy starts asking her if she had ever cut his hair and proceeds to talk about how misbehaved his son is or was to the other lady. They are all being nice and pretend not to remember but they all do. So I am sitting there talking to Jill about stuff and this guys starts listening in on my conversation and takes bits and pieces of what I am saying and starts talking to the other girl about it. I was a bit annoyed and talked a bit lower. Then it was time for this dad to get his hair cut and this meant that the kid was going to run wild. And that he did. Oh my God, did he. I think that little monster touched everything in that shop, screamed, ran around, bounced off chairs and counters and nearly knocked over a glass shelf with products on it. The dad said nothing. Nothing I tell ya. Then after the dad gets his hair cut, he asked to be shampooed. This is afterwards. The kid still shrilling and acting out. Not a word to him. I was shocked. It was unbelievable. So I am right next to the guy getting my hair rinsed while he is getting his after haircut shampoo and the kid is running, grabbing water, etc. and screaming. I just said "oh my God" and the guy looked over at me sitting next to him and didn't say a damn word still to the kid.
They left the shop, not fast enough mind you. And I just could not help myself. It was as if I was taken over by some force and blurted out "That's why I am pro choice." All the people in the salon laughed and we bitched and commented on this guy and his awful kid for the next 15 minutes. It was a hoot. That kid wouldn't have lasted 5 minutes in my house. In fact, nor would his gay dad.
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