Friday, October 3, 2008

The Debate & Other Nonesense

Let me start off by saying that I'm not big on politics and don't claim to know a whole hell of allot about it. I leave that up to Joe or PC, as I call him. I'm sure Joe will blog about last night's debate with much more depth and knowledge than I am about to do. But I did feel compelled to make a few comments this morning after watching last night's debate. I'm not alone when I say - I hate her voice. I can say that because I am originally from Michigan. I used to talk very much like that and when I moved to Florida, I found out rather quickly that my tone and voice was annoying and the kid's made fun of me for it. Luckily I was smart enough not to take on the Southern drawl and twang either and settled somewhere in the middle. Not to twangy, not too ditsy. Just right. I was torn between wanting to watch the debate and wanting the pain in my head to go away, but I suffered through it for the greater good. Alcohol helps too.
Aside from her choice in suits and shoes and the fact that she kept her composure throughout the debate, I see nothing more I like about her. People can go back and forth on who "won" the debate and who "lost" but it all boils down to which pair of candidates are better for the American people. I don't care who is a Maverick, wasn't that a piece of shit car made by Ford? A friend of mine used to have one of those cars and it always broke down. I digress. The presidency is surely not riding on the winner or loser of last night's debate but it gives us an insight as to the knowledge and preparedness of the runner up, or lack thereof.
Did she answer any question last night that the moderator asked of her? She didn't even stay on task herself when she said she wanted to "speak directly to the American people" first and answer the question asked of her. Not only did she not say what she initially intended on saying but she never answered the question to begin with. I think the only definitive answer we got was through Biden about gay rights. And I think she painted herself in a corner on that one.
It's easy to not get flustered and remain calm and composed when you're not "checked" by anyone and are allowed to continue to avoid answering the questions, change the subject to suit your needs, wink and flirt with both your husband as well as the moderator and give a shout out to an elementary school. Heck, I'd be composed too. I hated these types of girls in school. No one said a word to them about anything and they got away with everything because they were cute, perky and let the boys grope them behind closed doors. So she gets points for manipulating. Not a big feat. Women have been doing this for years. Give me something more, something with substance.
She scares me. She really does. And to think that she wants "more" power for the vice president is a scary thought as well. Dare I say.............I miss Hillary. Now that would have been a good match up.
In closing, I did go to bed feeling better with the knowledge that she loves Israel. As I laid my head on the pillow feeling all warm and fuzzy inside, I was gently humming the song from the old Coke commercial:

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